Title: Universal Biology: A physicist's approach to 'what is life'
Day 1: Friday, 6th December 2024
Day 2: Thursday, 12th December 2024
Day 3: Tuesday, 17th December 2024
10:30 - 16:00
Mishima Hall, ELSI, Institute of Science Tokyo
In this Lecture I discuss the field of universal biology, which aims to explore the universal patterns of life phenomena from a physicist's perspective.
Life systems are complex and hierarchical, with diverse components at different scales, yet they maintain themselves, grow, and evolve over time. We intend to establish a theory of living states, based on the macro-micro consistency leading to biological robustness and plasticity.
Topics to be discussed(Preliminary)
1) Introduction to Universal Biology
2) Logic for Reproducing Protocells Diversity; Multi-level Evolution; Origin of Central-dogma and Minority Control for Genotype-Phenotype Separation;
Non-equilibrium Nature of Encapsulated Catalysis; Waste and Sleep
3) Evolutionary Dimensional Reduction Evolutionary Fluctuation Relationship; Dimensional Reduction; Slow-Fast Separation; Proportionality between Phenotypic Variances by Noise and Genetic Changes; Regain of Plasticity and Speciation
4) Other Perspectives Adaptation; Evo-devo relationship; Ecosystem; Dynamic Memory
Partially based on 普遍生物学(東大出版会) and Universal Biology (in prep. Cambridge Univ. Press)